Stats: Artists: 5821, Pics: 32688, Comments: 6192, Votes: 47218, Tags Unique/All: 4974 / 173938
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Mazor - Agent LBM (Comment by: kenët 2012-08-03)
Mazor kicking ass, as usal!
Mazor - Agent LBM (Comment by: gloom 2012-08-02)
The proper title for this image is "Agent LBM".

Kenet - Locorolighted (Comment by: kenët 2012-07-31)
Hehe it was absolutely done in purpose...
Boheme - Evoflash (Comment by: mog 2012-07-31)
Boheme can do way better than this, and I guess this was done in a hurry?
mog - Meet The Katze (Comment by: mog 2012-07-30)
From Meet the Katze, a demo for Breakpoint 2010.
Toast - Toast03 (Comment by: CONS 2012-07-28)

Looks like Toast didn't dare to touch the hair.
Lazur - Pijekuba (Comment by: Grip 2012-07-26)
Insane technique
Rayden - Little Young Old Granny (Comment by: ALiEN^bf 2012-07-26)
This leaves an odd feeling.
Prince - Fever (Comment by: mog 2012-07-24)
Poor guys are not allowed to dance outside of their chambers, like the zombie woman. She has some beautiful details,- her hair , pose, lighting and somehow sad mood are well done.

I also love the parrot at the bar, which might be a turtle in disguise after all - and I see a goat head in the discoball (at the very top, middle).

Love your stuff, kep it up
CONS - Moment of Truth (Comment by: mog 2012-07-24)
Still impressed you did this with a mouse o_O
CONS - Moment of Truth (Comment by: Grip 2012-07-24)
Nice one
Ragnarok - Fear (Comment by: mog 2012-07-24)
Four colour awesomeness, love all the details of the face, how smooth these lines are, and that style - mwow!
It somehow reminds me on SinCity, and the style there - which is a good thing. I played a bit with the palette - or actually just with one colour - the one of the lines in the left. Setting it to the red you already have in the end of your palette, somehow makes it even better - but also more cliche.

So, uhm, very well done - hope I become as good as you one day
Typhoon - Gully Dwarf (Comment by: dedeurs 2012-07-23)
Hi Typhoon.

For my art weblog I'm preparing a post on Fantasy Dwarfs in all their variety, their armory, weaponry, clothes, hairstyles and even their states of nudity. I want to include your Gully. In fact, he's going to open the post. But I only use images with the artist's approval.

My weblog has no commercial intentions whatsoever, and I always make sure the name of the artist gets inserted into the JPG.
To give an impression of what I do with art, here's my blog.

I never know if my mail address will be visible...
dedeurs (hyphen) gmail (dot) com

Willem van Deursen
Piesiu - Cropky credits (Comment by: mog 2012-07-23)
Mwoar, that text, that shading <3
Mack - Wigstock (Comment by: mog 2012-07-23)
I love the overall setting on this one, the shadow of the fairy that suggest this is somehow on a plane, and the curiosity and dynamic of the fairy itself. Also how the inspiration pic was improved a lot, not quite visible on the first glance but the lower bottom part of the hair is quite different, so is the face itself around the eyes, and the nose and mouth is a ton better than on the inspiration.
Also like the colour selection

It feels very soothing to me, love to look at it over and over again.

FWIW Found it the first time in the freax art album, and fell in love with it ever since.
Piesiu - SV'2010 XE Invitation - Logos (Comment by: mog 2012-07-23)
That's how I like text/logos, barely readable, with a flow that does not need arrows, and letters having an attitude.
I love the shading, the minimal colour usage and the placement of the parts.

That details \o/
RayNoa - Burning Sunrise (Comment by: mog 2012-07-23)
Palette is just plain awesome, that it wraps around is just insane, and that it somehow tells a story - even without reading it on your comment at pixeljoint - makes it a 10.

No wonder it won the challenge, and even got top pixel art of the month
Riskej - Shepherds Outstanding Single (Comment by: Grip 2012-07-23)
Ra - Skelletons (Comment by: farf 2012-07-22)
Alien (.nl) - Solskogen Robot From Uranus (Comment by: elend 2012-07-20)
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