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Amiga Room In 1989 by Jack
Related to: 24583, 24579, 24574, 24575, 24585, 24572, 24582, 24578, 24577, 24581, 24573, 24576, 24584, 24580

#3 at Breakpoint 2009 handmade gfx compo.
Created with: Lightwave, FPrime
Submitted by: CONS - Page loaded: 10967 - Rating: 9 (3 Votes)
ALiEN^bf(9) Wade(9) Wayne(9)
jack-3d | 2011-05-02
Maybe I will finish whole room and make some animation in there

Room is full of details, if you are interested to see them look here:
pohar | 2011-05-02
the skoda favotir calendar is epic!
ALiEN^bf | 2011-05-02
Those cut-out screens are great, thanks for the link!
Wade | 2011-05-02
Thanks for the details. I'm blown away by the work that's gone into it and the Amiga and diskbox models are fantastic!

I'd love to see this pic with different lighting and an animation would be even cooler!
CONS | 2011-05-07
I took the liberty to add the complete associated set of renderings. Normally its not my way to rip pictures from other sites without permission, but since you pointed to them i thought maybe i could make an exeption here. I hope thats ok for you, Jack. I would love to have more of your stuff on ArtCity.
jack-3d | 2011-05-07
Thank you guys very much, you charged me with positive energy like no one before But I don't want to re-cycle so much, I am going to make this room complete, but moved forward in time Once I have all models and scene complete I will probably ask someone from here to help me with animation (cutting, edition, direction), because I am not strong in this area at all. Thank you once again for your replies
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