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One day in April by CONS
#07 at tUM 2011 oldskool gfx compo.

Welcome to my VERY FIRST C64 pixelgfx EVER. I so much enjoyed working on this that I will probably do more in the future. This is not scanned or wired. I did it pixel by pixel with Project 1. Referece is a personal photograph. Since this is my first try, i know that it is full of errors and that there is much space for improvement, but i think its pretty good for a firstie. I did it in greyscale because I thought it would be easier to start with. Next time i will take a look at colors Please enjoy my C64 scene firstie!
Thanks to streettuff^TRSi for setting the spark that motivated me to be active on the C64.
Submitted by: CONS - Page loaded: 2149 - Rating: 8.25 (4 Votes)
diver4d | 2011-12-30
Virgill | 2011-12-30
Dear Cons. This is truly amazing for a firstie. 10 Points for you!. Keep your high motivation and pixel some more stuff for my personal pleasure
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