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I've got my eyes on you post-oldskool experimentalists by Mirage
Related to: 12055
Release Date : 23 September 2006
Inspired by:

Submitted by: CONS - Page loaded: 2055 - Rating: 9.25 (8 Votes)
ALiEN^bf(10) elend(9) Frogg(9) vincenzo(9) CONS(9) breeze(10) Luca/FIRE(8) prowler(10)
Anarkhya | 2011-05-07
...So what about this no copy tag, should we create a "false no copy" tag ?
Sander | 2011-05-07
I think this one is an exception in term of 'copies'.

This image is a result of an internal csdb community 'clash', this particular one being a reaction to the 'new' wave of 'contemporary' new c64 pixel art, which strongly fueled the old discussion of working with references.
The 'no copy' tag is definitely aimed at that discussion, for example the typography in the background ('Angry') is from Trans*Form. I can't pinpoint the rest of the background, but given its collage nature it's most likely build up from other pictures which mirage considered part of that contemporary movement. And obviously he disliked that development in the scene.

Therefore i consider this more like a 'political illustration', infact it is conceptually driven (paradoxically something which was part of the movement mirage disliked).

Besides - regardless of what is said above, the image is totally not similar to the shown 'inspiration'-jpg, only as a part of it.
Frogg | 2011-05-07
Well if effectively his NO COPY is ironic, then he would have of to use a wellknown picture as "La Joconde" for example.
I fully agree that to compose an image from various images copies does not mean that it makes an original image and deserves the tag NO COPY
When you look at the picture you clearly see "ngry"... and now that i know more about the story i can read "angry"
It is just damage that for the average user looking at this image without known its story will judge it certainly very high quality (as I made it) but it is can be exactly also it that Mirage criticized ?
Anarkhya | 2011-05-07
...So everything here was set up in a particular context. Good to know, thanks Sander for that.
Sander | 2011-05-08
Some other pictures that belong in the same context:

Just a bunch of wiggly lines nothing more
An obvious stab at the 'abstract' images that surfaced the scene.

It Seems My Time Is Growing Thin aka Wind me up Using similar 'wiggly lines' as the image above, now featurign 2 clowns. Those clowns being certain c64 scene twins, who're definitely part of that 'contemporary movement'. (Ed and Joe).

Single colour is ugly and Legacy lost As part of that 'movement', some people (Helm and Ptoing especially) sarted using hires a lot again, not pushing it to it's technical limits as the demoscene was always about - but embrancing its limitations and working with those, resulting in unique visual solutions, native to the mode. Mirage didn't like that. (one example by Helm: - notice the background triangles, or this one
'Legacy lost' in this context is about droppping the heritage of the demoscene and walking the 'contemporary' path, where mirage certainly thought 'single colour is ugly'.
Eve and her multicoloured bubblegum by Mirage vs Eve by Helm.

I can go on and on with these images and references.. but this is a good start for pointers i hope.

And Mirage was certainly not the only person to work with references to other sceners.
Here's a few images:



Anarkhya | 2011-05-08
If you want to edit Sander's post, working url is
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