Holiday by
Exocet (.fr)
# My first ZX Spectrum picture, released as a remote contribution at CAFe 2003, held in Kazan, Russia (now homeland of the Spectrum demoscene). Ranked 6th in the competition.As I haven't managed to have my Sprinter working with my RGB monitor, I used DeluxePaint 2 and Grafx 2 to make a black and white picture that I then coloured using SevenuP.
Quite a gloomy picture I admit, but I thought it would be interesting to mix the bright palette of the Spectrum with a serious topic. Working with the limitations was quite a challenge, actually placing the figures correctly within the canvas the blocks make seems to be really important.
# Date : August 2003
# Format : 256*192/8 colours with ZX Spectrum limitations: 2 colours only for each 8x8 block. Each block can be either bright or dark.
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- Rating: 7.11 (9 Votes)
ne7^bf | 2010-03-02
i'm rather fond of this one! very cool vibe
diver4d | 2010-03-19
nice use of attributes (cell colors) and classic handmade dithering. "me likes"