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The Cigarette Break by Slayer
#01 at Revision 2015 Modern Graphics compo.
Submitted by: CONS - Page loaded: 2345 - Rating: 10 (8 Votes)
- jok -(10) kris(10) Bobic(10) Frogg(10) ALiEN^bf(10) at0m(10) mailman(10) ming(10)
- jok - | 2015-04-12
best "modern" so far from Slayer
there are still many issues (when you zoom in especially) but overall look and composition is near perfect
Frogg | 2015-04-12
I wonder how long it was necessary to Slayer to draw this picture.
I like the contrast in the sky, these various atmosphere of colors, these metallic colors on the train and this small touch of humanity in this world which seems too much industrialized (or steampunked). Moreover it is not good to smoke sir.
We find the train of the picture "Train to Nowhere " largely reworked.
Congratulation certainly to my taste the image of the most accomplished Slayer and can be the most the approachable
at0m | 2015-04-17
My new wallpaper on my desktop. Thanks
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