release party : Evoke 2014compo : alternative demo
ranked : 1st
Submitted by: gr4ss
- Page loaded: 1214
- Rating: 10 (4 Votes)
2014 , bauknecht , coop , evoke , female , multicolor , plus4 , portrait , rocket science , the electronic knights
nero | 2014-08-12
Plus/4 multicolor as all the other images in rocket science (except the group image at the start). As the signature states: by pixtur & nero. pixtur started the image with the ribbongirl but couldn´t finish it due to a lack of time, so I did the background and the helmet.
CONS | 2014-08-12
Sorry, for adding Pixtur so late It wasn't intentionally. I was aware of it but simply forgot after having to deal with moving the picture from a wrong account to yours.
nero | 2014-08-12
Hey CONS, no problem Could you change also the title? It is "The Arrival".
CONS | 2014-08-12
Done. And i switched the screencap with the image you provided veto.