Stats: Artists: 5821, Pics: 32688, Comments: 6192, Votes: 47218, Tags Unique/All: 4974 / 173938
Elements of Green by Prowler
2013. 32 colours - 320x256 pixels - Amiga non-AGA lo-res.
Entry for the Datastorm 2013 Amiga graphics compo, placed 1:st (release date 2012-02-16).
This is the final version (the one shown at the party + used in the demo was not finished... deadline-fever

Time-lapse video here
15 Years of Fame by Up Rough (2013-02-10)
Submitted by: CONS - Page loaded: 5112 - Rating: 9.8 (20 Votes)
CONS(10) ALiEN^bf(10) Grip(9) Joe(9) offwhite(8) chromag(10) Lycan(10) Serpent(10) Bobic(10) bsp(10) elend(10) Wayne(10) dipswitch(10) Piesiu(10) Smilodon(10) - jok -(10) mog(10) KF^bf(10) moroz1999(10) Sir_Lucas(10)
CONS | 2013-02-12
This is masterfully crafted.
Grip | 2013-02-17
The palette is really good... For some reason I find 32 colours to be one of the hardest Amiga modes. You can do some decent ramps, but get it wrong and you're missing that one colour that would save the picture. Using less colours I somehow think the viewer is a bit more forgiving. Great picture, of course.
elend | 2013-02-22
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.
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