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Finally, you will see it... by Nero
Picture pixeled in one of the strange 4x8 block modes of the Commodore Plus4. Made for Metamerism by Bauknecht (Plus4-demo for Evoke 2012). Purely drawn from imagination
Submitted by: nero - Page loaded: 1926 - Rating: 9.13 (8 Votes)
elend(10) Luca/FIRE(10) ALiEN^bf(10) carrion(8) offwhite(9) veto(8) Hardy(9) mog(9)
elend | 2012-08-12
Super awesome.
ALiEN^bf | 2012-08-13
Awesome indeed and so is the demo!
carrion | 2012-08-13
fantastic picture.
is it c+4 multicolor? or fli?
mad | 2012-08-13
YEP +4 multicolor no fli!
Hardy | 2012-08-20
fantastic job then! (i really thought its FLI aswell ) ...also it really made ppl aware of how freaking nice the following effect in the demo is
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