Pilot_Metamerism by
Title picture for Metamerism by Bauknecht (Plus4-demo for Evoke 2012) as a follow up to the one-color loaderpic (converted for the demo with degauss´magic tool. Purely drawn from my head Details
Submitted by: nero
- Page loaded: 1420
- Rating: 9 (8 Votes)
carrion | 2012-08-14
amazing stuff. the c+4 version is really good too, but it could be treated with more regular dither converter like Timanthes for example.
Elko | 2012-08-16
This Pic roxx like the Demo, i still remember my old C16 and his limitations, real nice artwork!
Hardy | 2012-08-20
awesome pic. the c+4-version looks a bit better due to the smaller resolution, i guess this is why the higher resolution picture here looks a bit off here and there, it was just made, so the conversion looks good in the end!
If I may nag, her(?) mouth looks a bit, maybe it's the chin or the nose that has a slight different perspective - somehow that wasn't so visible in the pixeled version. The left side of the helmet looks a bit too bulky for the perspective too.
But for drawing without reference it rocks a fucking lot