Stolen Heart Monster by
#1 at Stream 2005 gfx compo.Tools used: Photoshop
I started working on couple of new images few days before the party and of course, due to me
thinking I could work either of them out by the time the party started, they were both in a
sorry state when my personal deadline gloomed over. I'll send greets to Helsinki International
Film Festival for the delay though. Too many good movies, too little time to draw

Anyway. This is an old image, too old, in fact so that I can't really remember what my original
intent was behind it. Perhaps there is none. Go find it yourself! Original is, as always,
A4 @ 300dpi. I had a good storage of blue paint which remained from other projects, so I used
them all here. Expect warm toned pictures from now on.
Submitted by: CONS
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