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Sid & Vic's Second by STE86
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Submitted by: CONS - Page loaded: 1721 - Rating: 9 (1 Votes)
STE'86 | 2011-11-05
Strange choice to upload maybe.

As this isn't really "art". it's designed to be part of an animated "concert" demo where the band played along in time to a piece of c64 music. It alas never got completed due to my demo group phasing out of the "scene" and joining the games industry.

In the real c64 file linked, there are also sprite frames in memory to animate arms and instruments.
ALiEN^bf | 2011-11-05
Reminds me on "Thrust Concert" by Stoat & Tim, those were the times, this was the style and I love that.
STE'86 | 2011-11-05
yep it was designed to be exactly that. a 1988 version of the '86 Thrust concert. and a follow up to Sid & Vic's First
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