Bionic Commando Remake by
words from thUg (back to 2007):I've finally finished all the screens I've started for this mockup. A remake of the game Bionic Commando on NES
(Tiles & sprites done with Paintshop Pro, 31 colors). The orange BG on the 5th screen is a bit aggressive but I've tried to respect original levels and on this original level, sky was pure red, that why I make it orange who looks more like some sky color, but it's right, now I realise that a complete level with this orange can hurts our eyes maybe I could change it to a nice brown.
For the contrast between sprites and BG, I realise it but very late when I've make the sprite on the 11th screen.
Unfortunately, this remake will not be created because it's hard to find coders that can code 2D platform games or have free time to make it. Anyway, if I find one, I'm quite open to do it.
Submitted by: Anarkhya
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