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Submitted by: CONS
- Page loaded: 1573
- Rating: 9.33 (3 Votes)
cg | 2011-03-02
Surely the tag says "RamJet" ?
CONS | 2011-03-02
I know . Afaik, RamJet/RamJam are the same person.
someone | 2011-03-03
Afaik, Ram Jam was (is?) an amiga group. There's no RamJam tag in any of Ram Jet's pictures.
Anarkhya | 2011-03-03
Although I recall discussing the ramjet/ramjam issue with CONS, I dont remember why ramjam won the nickname match, more recent handle maybe?
BTW, scenery: http://www.exotica.org.uk/mediawiki/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&redirs=1&search=ramjet&fulltext=Search&ns0=1
BTW, scenery: http://www.exotica.org.uk/mediawiki/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&redirs=1&search=ramjet&fulltext=Search&ns0=1
CONS | 2011-03-03
Yeah, i remember that, but i can't recall anything, too. So i decided to switch the nicks and set RamJet as first and RamJam as alternative.. until i find out why i had it the other way and then change it back eventually