Heavy Metal Train by
Submitted by: Noogman
- Page loaded: 4632
- Rating: 8.5 (4 Votes)
Serpent | 2007-01-02
Cool one, definitely. Reminds me of something though.. Some album cover.. Not the same but..
pr000m | 2007-03-28
this cougar pic maybe?
pr000m | 2007-03-28
i guess this is wrong: "BBCode is allowed"? or maybe it's allowed but doesn't work...
chromag | 2007-12-16
Serpent: You are right about that album cover, though...
chromag | 2007-12-16
jxn | 2009-07-30
Serpent: Cover art for Transarctica. (ed.CONS: added your inspiration picture to the description, thanks!)
ALiEN^bf | 2010-03-01
Good work here.
proteque | 2010-05-11
ah. not the cougar pic then. what restrictions is it on the pictures palette?
Anarkhya | 2010-07-16
PNG reported. Palette is 32 colors.
[ed.CONS: JPG removed, PNG and information added.]
[ed.CONS: JPG removed, PNG and information added.]