Stats: Artists: 5820, Pics: 32688, Comments: 6192, Votes: 47218, Tags Unique/All: 4974 / 173938
Cherry Cherry Boom Boom aka Bonnie & Clyde by Mirage
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Submitted by: veto - Page loaded: 2105 - Rating: 9 (12 Votes)
diver4d(9) ALiEN^bf(10) Joe(10) veto(10) someone(8) vincenzo(10) proteque(10) flickeeeey(8) Frogg(8) CONS(9) chromag(6) N3XU5(10)
ALiEN^bf | 2010-08-14
Amazing pixeljob in composition and style, gotta see it on the real thing soon and I'll be even more impressed for sure.
CONS | 2011-04-11
You can now
Frogg | 2011-04-11
mmhh shit, i'm so disappointed, don't tell me that most pictures by Mirage are "just" pictures (well) recolored
Anarkhya | 2011-04-11
To avoid sorrow, anger, despair and all these things, let's assume that, here on artcity :

If tag no copy = 0 then it is a redraw
If tag no copy = 1 then it is _probably_ not a redraw.

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