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don't_go_away by bfox
#1 at ArtField 2010 pixel graphics, 102 colors compo (ZX)
Submitted by: diver4d - Page loaded: 2036 - Rating: 8.88 (8 Votes)
mikme(8) diver4d(10) CONS(8) ALiEN^bf(9) Prof(8) proteque(9) YERZMYEY(10) Piesiu(9)
diver4d | 2010-06-20
some shadow is lost, but still amazing!
mikme | 2010-06-20
don't like fire at background, but concept looks really fresh. and the Body too.
proteque | 2010-06-24
wow. how fresh! I love it
YERZMYEY | 2010-06-30
Incredible gigascreen stuff.
YERZMYEY | 2010-06-30
Btw. Why there's "102 colors compo" description? We were counting and shouldn't there be 120 colours in the mode?
Anarkhya | 2010-06-30
I dont know about this 102/120 colors restricted compo but one thing is sure the image palette is 26 colors.
diver4d | 2010-06-30
YERZMYEY, no, there is clearly only 102 unique colors in that mode.

Anarkhya, have you seen any picture at PC in 16mln colours palete with every color used? I think no. It's the same case.
Anarkhya | 2010-07-01
Well sure it is, as I said I don't know anything about the ZX specs and its screenmodes but I reasonably assumed that a 120 color space would be used to a wider extent like in a AGA compo for example. Where your color count easily jump to 128, 256 being the max.
YERZMYEY | 2010-07-01
Diver: thanks a lot. Also You're welcomed to take a look (and join maybe?) -

Anarkhya: dude, 8bit machines didn't stop in 80s, You know. There are many thing changed.
That's not our fault that 16bitters don't use enough CPU's power to increase their colours' number.
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