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Anarchy Stolen Data 10 by Facet
Unique Colors: ...........4
Stolen Data 9 by Anarchy (1992-08-12)
Stolen Data 10 by Anarchy (1992-12-27)
Submitted by: menace - Page loaded: 1664 - Rating: 7 (3 Votes)
Anarkhya | 2010-06-23
AFAICS, appeared first in stolen data #9...

Release Date: ............27 aug 1992
Prod name: ...............Stolen Data #9
Unique Colors: ...........4
Anarkhya | 2010-06-28
Insisting again, sorry, appeared first in stolen data #9... Am I wrong? Confirm please.
CONS | 2010-06-28
No need to be sorry. Problem is, i have a screenshot from #10 where i can see the logo, but none from #9, so i need to investigate further if the logo is in there or not. Confirmation is in the process.
Anarkhya | 2010-06-28
Well, this is confusing, don't you have at least WinUAE?

Here is the capture straight from the emulator with anarchy-stolendata09_a.dms:
CONS | 2010-06-28
Actually i do have WinUAE, but the dms i downloaded from pouet did not work.. maybe i misconfigured the Emulator.
Now that it is solved, i can only say, thanks for your support here!
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