Stats: Artists: 5820, Pics: 32688, Comments: 6192, Votes: 47217, Tags Unique/All: 4974 / 173938
Golden Suprise by Jamon
Jamon: "I just want to say that this is moving on my HD for one year...
I tested lot of progies on it... changed two computer - and by that you can catch lot of different styles on it... time is the main reason... also there are some fuzzy parts on picture BUT! no more time of my life - for this one... "
Submitted by: darklight - Page loaded: 1286 - Rating: 9.38 (8 Votes)
ALiEN^bf(10) elend(9) s7ing^ATZ(10) Frogg(9) kris(10) veto(9) DBoy(9) prowler(9)
Frogg | 2010-10-21
Wonderful work with lot of details. Could fit nicely as an ingame picture.
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