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Darklight (Veezya, Teh Weeabooz, Ghostown) (04.03.2010) (survey) graphician

Handle, ex-handle(s):
Darklight, also known as DKL or mainly on the internet: dakael

Name, birthday, origin:
Szymon Paluchowski, born 1981 in Wadowice, Poland

Group, ex-group(s):
Veezya, Ghostown, Teh Weeabooz, ex. Weeds

What was your first group, your role in that group and what did that group produce?:
I joined Veezya group back in 1999 if I recall properly. I joined as a graphician and swapper. My first released art was a pixelated copy of art from a Spawn comix by Todd McFarlane.
Veezya released quite a few issues of Embrion chip packs, one intro, one demo. Everything has been done for my beloved Amiga. Since then group is in coma state.

What motivates you to spend time on the scene?:
Huh, I must agree to the words of Exocet "Creating stuff and being encouraged to improve my skills thanks to the friendly competition.". That's just the purest definition of my motivation.

What is your favorite color?:
Three of them. Black, because it's colour of the night. Blue, because it's colour of my beloved one eyes. Red, because it's colour of the blood.

On what platform(s) did you begin your computing journey, and when was this?:
I got my first computer when I was around 9 and it was the Atari 800XL with cassette player. I recall loading of Gauntlet game from tape. It was so long !

What platform(s) do you use now?:
Mostly PC. I was still using an A1200 with Blizzard 1260 expansion a couple of years ago, but recently it is only lying on my desktop unused.

What is/are your favorite piece(s) of music(s) - from a demo production or a scener (released outside of a demo)?:
When I paint chip tunes are my favourites. Few years ago I fell in love with Jazzcat's chiptune for Appendix intro - Electricity.
I enjoy all the old musicians : Substance, Mortimer Twang, Revisq, Curt cool, Azazel, and many more...
From my group I enjoyed very much Otton's and Spektra's trips to the edge of hallucination.

Which graphician, in and outside the demoscene, inspirated you the most?:
Cyclone, Ra, Dzordan have been a great inspirations! Not demoscene related - I appreciate Boris Vallejo for a great technique, Luis Royo for dreamy style of his pictures.

What is/are your favorite picture(s) - from a demo production or a scener (released outside of a demo)?:
I cannot pick any. There are hordes of them!

What's the procedure when you start a new picture?:
Inspiration. Sketch. Evaluation. Modifications. Painting.

What drawing/3d program are you using the most to express yourself? Why?:
Promotion, because it's very Amiga-like tool. I used Brilliance on my Amiga for few years. Now, I also use Photoshop for non-pixelated stuff.

Do you draw on any other platforms beside computers? (Painting, Graffiti etc):
I do some acrylics, pastels, sketches, but unfortunately, very rarely.

What is your favorite demo, intro, megademo, retrogame, slideshow, musicdisk, diskmag, wilddemo?:
Too many! I'll just drop a few names...
Intro : Gift by Potion, hardly anyone could compete with that masterpiece
Demos : Relic by Nerve Axis, Smoke Bomb by Ozone, Technological Death by Mad Elks, New World Child by Mankind, Captured Dreams by TBL, Klone by DCS, Rain by TBL
Diskmags: Taboo by Appendix, Eurochart by Iris
M-disks: Moments by Nah-kolor, Virgill dreams by Essence
Retrogames: Simon the Sorcerer, Lemmings, Black Crypt, Worms, Slamtilt, Flashback, Dune 2, Ambermoon, Payback

What platform(s) needs more demos?:
It's of course my beloved Amiga!

Which parties do you intend to go to, and which parties would you like to go to? Please describe your personal experiences with your most favourite or impressive party you have ever been at:
Maybe there is a chance that I'll be at Riverwash party in Poland, if it will be organized this year ?

How did the scene alter since you are taking an active part in it? Can you explain why?:
Thing that changed demoscene is internet. I recall swapping days. Feeling of unwrapping envelope with letter from my contact is unforgettable and I miss it somehow.
Except of that, demoscene has grown up. Most of the sceners are so old, comparing to earlier days. Lack of new blood is worrying me.

What are your dreams/goals in life, did scene help you and have you achieved them yet?:
Scene definitely helped me in my life. It modified my perception, helped me to develop myself and my creativity. My dreams? I'll keep them for myself. They're so kinky...

Finally, do you have some special greetings? Feel free to add links to your graphics, screenshots of effects, modules or other pieces of your work:
Greetings to all the sceners I've met and worked with! Huge thanks to Kempy'Dual Crew&Shining+Veezya for personal help and constructive criticism!

A bit of self promotion:
My website: (rarely updated, really unfinished...)
My pictures on Pixeljoint:
My pictures on Deviantart:
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