Stats: Artists: 5821, Pics: 32688, Comments: 6192, Votes: 47218, Tags Unique/All: 4974 / 173938
ArtCity InfoBox
2019-04-23 - CONS : No submission activation or gfx adding anytime soon.
2017-05-05 - CONS : Submissions will be activated shortly after they arrive. Big party updates will still take time.
2016-11-28 - CONS : I am very sorry to inform you that due to a health issue, there will not be any big updates anytime soon (expect it to be months from now on) . Submissions may take a long time before being activated. Again, I am sorry, I did not plan for this.
2016-11-14 - CONS : Riverwash 2016 compo gfx added
2016-11-14 - CONS : Graphics from spectrum party Out of Compo 2016 are now added
2016-11-14 - CONS : Vortex 2016 compo graphics added
2016-11-13 - CONS : Demosplash 2016 compo gfx added
2016-11-02 - CONS : First batch of X 2016 compo gfx are in. Demo-Gfx is coming soon!
2016-10-25 - CONS : TRSAC 2016 compo gfx added
2016-10-14 - CONS : Deadline 2016 gfx added
2016-10-01 - CONS : Over 50 new gfx from Chaos Constructions 2016 added to the database
2016-09-25 - CONS : Psykoz 2016 gfx added
2016-09-23 - CONS : Thansk to MetalMaster for submitting some of his works from the past!
2016-09-23 - CONS : Graphics from Function 2016 added
2016-09-10 - CONS : Gerp 2016 graphics are added
Welcome to BitFellas ArtCity, the Demoscene Graphics Gallery.

We've got a wide range of visual eye candy from a large selection of Amiga, Atari, C64, Spectrum and PC graphicians all wrapped up together with interviews, GFX related articles and news for you to browse at your leisure! Do feel free to browse, rate, comment and report any errors you find. Also you can help us grow this area of the site by submitting any missing pictures you may have in your own collections!

Previously featured artists on ArtCity
The Rebirth of ArtCity

A few words about ArtCity and its features:

"Some things need more time than others to become what they deserve."

ArtCity - launched in 2006 as a small section of BitFellas,only slowly developed into the area that we had in mind. But sometimes it only takes the right team to get the job done. Today we are very proud to present the new ArtCity, redone from scratch. Just the way we always thought it should be. So lets take a quick tour and look at all the features you are about to enjoy while spending your time browsing through about 30.000 demoscene pictures from all platforms.

News: Constantly updated graphics related and ArtCity news.
Artists: A-Z artist profiles. Sort them by popularity, country, rating and picture count.
Pictures: Latest added pictures.
TagCloud: A-Z TagCloud and category tags for additional filtering. Grouped tags got one color.
Comments: Latest added comments.
Articles: Graphics related articles from SceneCity.
Interviews: Demoscene gfx-artists interviews from SceneCity.
Links: Links to graphics related sites from Yellow Pages.
Submit: Submit pictures.
My Votes: List of your given votes.
Stats: Information about the amount of comments, artists, pictures, votes and tags.
Login: Login with your BitFellas account to comment, rate, submit and report pictures.
Report: Reports regarding the picture you are actually looking at.
Search: Search "tag" or "title".
Random Spot: Random picture. Click "Random" to generate a site with randomly selected pictures.
Showcase: Featured pictures.
Artist Profile: Information on artist, pictures, statistics, links, contact details and a guestbook.
Picture Profile: Descriptions, statistics, tags and ratings. Existing comments were transferred.

The existing ratings were recalculated from [1-5] to [1-10] to match the new system.


Various people deserves mentioning for providing material and help:
KF, Vincenzo, Bobic, ne7, KEiTO, Lotek, Anarkhya, Tempest, Frogg, Lanch, Grass, Slayer, Mailman, diver4d and all other artists, commenters and submitters.

Contact CONS or post in this thread if you want to report bugs/suggest improvements/etc.

Enjoy your stay. ALiEN^bf, CONS, Georgy - ArtCity Staff.

Please login with your BitFellas account to post comments and vote, if you are not registered please sign up now!
Search (?)
01-08 mustafa @ One second
01-08 mustafa @ Captured Dreams Title
01-08 mustafa @ Jesus
09-26 someone @ Me And My Little Sister
01-24 prowler @ Arise 1
07-17 Serpent @ Dreamland
10-30 Serpent @ Encounter
10-16 prowler @ Dreaming
10-16 prowler @ Spiresnonused
03-22 Serpent @ Amigalagoon
09-19 spritus @ Bass logo (9)
04-20 Hammerfist @ Comaland - Greetings... (10)
02-23 ALiEN^bf @ HTSC Hidden (8)
02-23 ALiEN^bf @ HTSC Intro (8)
01-31 ALiEN^bf @ Invocation (8)
01-14 hellfire @ Wasting The Norm (9)
09-20 Piranha @ Rakshasa (8)
09-20 Piranha @ Starport Amsterdam (9)
09-20 Piranha @ Sunrise! (5)
09-20 Piranha @ ;-))) (5)