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AMI (Tristar) (02.08.2007) (survey) graphician

Survey of AMI
Job: graphician

Survey submitted: Thu 02 Aug 2007 - 16:30:25

Handle, ex-handle(s):

Name, birthday, origin:

Group, ex-group(s):
Tristar + Netacs

What was your first group, your role in that group and what did that group produce?:
Tristar, role thanx X-Copy in early 1988 and Tristar produces little Demos, Intros, Cracks, Trainers and all the other unholy Scene Stuff...

What motivates you to spend time on the scene?:
Friendship, Creativity and the Love for their uncommercial Art and their Products itselfs.

What is your favorite color?:
Red... no... STOP ...Blue ...wuhahahahaha......

On what platform(s) did you begin your computing journey, and when was this?:
Aem Yes. My Uncle got this weird Teleplay Device in 1983 with build in Games and then i got later the Atari 2600 followed by the Amiga 500 etc... often i played with a Friend on his C-64.

What platform(s) do you use now?:
Amiga, X-Box, PC ( Linux from Time to Time and Windump )

What is/are your favorite piece(s) of music(s) - from a demo production or a scener (released outside of a demo)?:
Damn Question, there are so many.. Turrican 2 Intro Tune and from a Scener... i can´t say there are to much good ones.

Which graphician, in and outside the demoscene, inspirated you the most?:
Terminator and the other early Logo and GFX Designer of the Amiga 500 Ages

What is/are your favorite picture(s) - from a demo production or a scener (released outside of a demo)?:
The TRSI Logo from Joey, this one with the Steel ( Ice Vulcan Surface )

What's the procedure when you start a new picture?:
I start only when i got my inspiration from the nature or other things...

What drawing/3d program are you using the most to express yourself? Why?:
Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Paintshop etc... My PEN and if needed my Scanner.

Do you draw on any other platforms beside computers?
(Painting, Graffiti etc): Graffiti in the Past a bit...

Which project that you worked on was the most exciting and interesting for you? And why?:
The Creation of the New Tristar Web-Base back in 2000/2002 within the New Forum. Nowadays it is outdated and we make a New Base actually

What is your favorite demo, intro, megademo, retrogame, slideshow, musicdisk, diskmag, wilddemo?:
Ahh Yes... Odyssey - from Alcatraz and Desert Dream from Kefrens
Diskmag - Zine soon again =)
Intro - The Tristar Intros and also the Unit-A Cracktro

Which parties do you intend to go to, and which parties would you like to go to? Please describe your personal experiences with your most favourite or impressive party you have ever been at.:
Breakpoint - Better then the Hunt for some Easter Eggs
Evoke - Not far from my Homecountry and was evertime nice
Radwar - Like a Family Meeting for me.
Tristar Party and local Meetings

It would be nice to join a BPM Meeting for me due the familiar and respectfull way they go.

My Best Experience was the Breakpoint 2005 Party due the famous Style and the first Release after many Years for us.

How did the scene alter since you are taking an active part in it? Can you explain why?:
Hmm it becomes more modern and there are not much old Systems left. I miss simple the good old Times but that is the same our Parents say about the 60´s =)

What are your dreams/goals in life, did scene help you and have you achieved them yet?:
Scene helped me to stay individual and creative. It gave me the Chance to learn many about People and also to meet them... My Dreams are not archieved but i must say Thanx to the Scene and that what it gave to me and how it formed me....

Finally, do you have some special greetings? Feel free to add links to your graphics, screenshots of effects, modules or other pieces of your work.:
Simple to all our Friends - What can i say more

(C) by - ask us for permission

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